Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how MyNextHouseProject referred to “us”, “we” or “our” collects, uses, share information and other services and action that is done to boost the longevity of the website and enhance the customer experience for our clients describe in the privacy policy as “you”.

This privacy policy remains the sole legal document of and hence reserves the right to make changes, remove, adapt, or revise part or whole of this policy anytime without prior notification from us to you.

To ensure you stay up-to-date about our privacy policy, we advise that you take the time to read through it properly and check for regular updates as we will not be liable for any consequence(s) resulting from a lack of comprehension of a portion of the document.


This privacy policy notice applies to all visitors who visit our website, use our app or other digital services that link to directly or indirectly. The policy describes the privacy practices of our business and does not cover or attempt to conceal any company or business partner, including all that use our platform for advertising, promote, sponsor, and sell their products and services.

What information we collect

When you use our services, information related to you is collected from you and the service you are using to connect to us. The data includes personal identification including your name, address, contact address, phone number, and email address,

In addition to your personal information, we also collect

Information you give us about others
Information on how you interact with the platform, contents, and third-party websites
Information we get about you from site affiliated to us.


When you decide to use our website or other digital services related to us, you will need to divulge some information to help us make your browsing experience better on the platform. The information we request for, as per our privacy policy, are as follows

Personal details – names, email address, mailing address, phone number
Demographic – age, gender, education, status, interests, and overall information of your home
Structure details – your size of the home and the location that you are looking to transform
Overall, we collect the information you supply when you create an account with us, drop a review on our product or services, respond to a survey, or fill out a form that enables you to partake in any activity on our website.


Sometimes you supply information about other people who you want to partake or call their attention to contents on our website that will benefit them. In such instances, we will collect data like name, email address, contact address, and contact details, or phone numbers as per our privacy policy.


In addition to the information you voluntarily supply us, there is other information that we collect without your knowledge that enables us to enhance your browsing abilities, sort out technical issues and manage crashes on our website.

This information including and is not limited to the device used to connect with us or your action with our website.
The information collected use technologies such as cookies, tags, scripts, or SDKs and run behind the scene of our platform. Data collected are
Information relating to your browser, including the type, model, and version of the device you use in accessing our website
The IP address which identifies your geographical location, including your state, city, country, and zip code
Device identifiers including mobile advertising identifiers
Information of website you visited prior and after our website
Information on how you interact with content on our site, including affiliate website and third-party websites.
Emails address supplied or use to communicate with our websites and affiliate site.


We live in a digital space, and obtaining information about you from other sites is relatively straightforward. However, we want to categorically state that we don’t stalk you online and collect the info you drop elsewhere, but this helps us to build a unique browsing experience for you and make your online experience better, more straightforward, and fun. It also helps cut your browsing time in half as we have for you the information you might be looking for when you log in on our website.

Information includes

Contents that you access about your interest, products, services, and ads your click online
Third-party sites where you drop the information of your purchases online with other digital services
Information from social media sites that you use to connect with us or websites affiliated to us. Information includes your username, user ID, and any other settings that will help us enhance your browsing experience.

If you browse our website looking for an idea, you have to drop your identifier to enable us to serve you better and enable us to continue to provide information according to our privacy policy that will simplify the purpose of your visit to our website.

What we do with it are

We process the information and include you in our subscription, product, and service list or/and enables you to partake in surveys, promotions, or other promotions on the websites
Helps us provide excellent customer assistance and technical support to our clients when we receive a compliant
Helps us to customize contents that will enhance the quality of your experience on our site
It allows us to improve digital interaction with you and optimize your browsing and viewing experience on our site

Under this section, it enables us to send you notifications about any new development on the website, including those about subscriptions relating to your requests.

Notify you of products and services, including promotions on My Next House Project or affiliates link and third-party websites.
Communicates products and services, offer, and special events that we know you will like
Enables us to analyze trends, usage, and how you connect with our platform
Helps us to run a smooth and legally binding website free from fraudulent practice and personalities and to ensure that our rights, property; intellectual or otherwise are guarded
Helps us to develop, manage, conduct advertising research, marketing strategies, campaigns, and promotions of our products and services and of/or third-party products and services
We may also collect information from your offline or online interaction to create customized advertising packages that will interest you based on your demographic, household information, and clicks on our sites.
However, if you do not want your information to be used for any of the above-listed purposes, there are various steps to prevent that, including sending a request to us via our contact starting clearly your reasons. You will miss out on the best part of using our site, but we respect our customer’s intention and will only collect what is needed for the progress of our website and you.

Protecting your rights and those of others

As an establishment, is poised to ensure that all information supplied on our sites by you is protected to the best of our legal capacity. However, should we detect and illegalities, fraud or potential to commit fraud, any misuse of our platform or contents on this website, infringement of our intellectual property or any situation that puts us at risk, we will not hesitate to remove, delete or block that account without prior notice and report the risk to the law if the need arises.

To further ensure that we are properly covered, My Next House Project performs periodic audits, upgrades, re-assessment, and troubleshooting of its website, including backing up current systems, enhancing the security services, and removing any threat to the seamless operation of our website.

Finally, we comply with the existing laws of the land, and we enforce the same act as applicable to the industry. We also will don’t deny any request by the law to supply any information through court orders, warrants, or subpoenas as it is our right and obligation to fulfill and live by the law.


As a business establishment that deals with other parties, we are liable to sharing information of our customers to ensure a seamless browsing experience on our website.

Remember: we will not knowingly or intentionally sell, attempt to sell; exchange or connive with anyone to transfer information of our clients for the benefit of our organization for profit reasons or otherwise.

However, information collected is shared with the following individuals

Affiliates and subsidiaries of – all parties working with us will have access to your information for the smooth sailing of the system and to enhance the customer browsing experience.

Our service providers and vendors –all parties connected with us either in the operation and/or provision of services that we engage with have access to information on our website. These include but not limited to IT experts, technicians, and online professional that see to the day-to-day running of our website.

Advertisers and marketing – as a content provider in the real estate space, we deal with lots of vendors that sell or provide the latest information on new home decor or build materials that we know our clients will like. To enhance your browsing experience, you will sometimes receive direct information or content related to searches you made to make your search complete and efficient.

Business partners and companies – we are liable to share your information with companies we work with or with our business partners, including sponsors, marketing partners, and others for various purposes. It is all to the benefit of you and will not in any way cause any disruption in your daily life.

To avoid your information been shared or used, you can opt-out of certain privileges offered on our website. They include

Marketing opt-out

These include opting out of all/any notification that has to do with marketing a product or service to you related to your search and browsing history on our website. Under this section, you can refuse the email marketing, text message, direct mail, or emails sent by third-party affiliates connected to our website.

If you have opted out of this service but are still receiving notifications, please contact us via email, and we will address it immediately, no questions asked.

Opting out of sponsored or promotional offering

If you are receiving notification from our sponsors or getting promotional emails, you can opt-out by unsubscribing from the email sent to you, which will take effect immediately we receive, and address it.

Remember, it is your decision to opt-out of any service, although not unlawful will hinder you from benefiting from freebie available on the website provided by us or by third-parties affiliated to us.


We will have your information in our database as long as you continue to use our website. However, we will not delete your information from our database if we notice a long period of absence. Under the law, we will retain the information for as long as needed. The personal details will be deleted when it is no longer required for any purpose, either by us or the law. We will also put measures in place to ensure that your data is not used by any site affiliated to us, including third-party sites.


We use cookies to enable us to collect information that will enhance your browsing experience. However, we will not enforce you to accept it though it makes browsing our site better. With that said, you can perform any of the following options at your own discretion

Disable cookie – by disabling cookie, some features on My Next House Project website are inaccessible and unavailable to you.

Opting out – to opt-out of a cookie, you will follow the instruction provided by us. However, opting out allows you to block companies from installing cookies on your browsing devices in the future. This might hamper how you use websites with cookies, so we employ you think it through before hitting that button.

Please keep in mind that we preach safe browsing, hence keep your username and password safe from prying eyes, and use a safe browser to prevent internet thieves and hackers from accessing your personal information. Furthermore, create strong passwords or enable to change them at regular intervals, especially if you think our account is been compromised.

Do Not Track

Currently, we do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals. Hence we like our customers to know this before signing up for our website.

Additional Choices

User Account – creating an account with us allows you the utmost right to review, change, and update your information to suit your preference at any time.

Devices Setting – you can change or review our settings, but be aware that permitting us to collect your information enhances your browsing experience.

Push Notifications – with your consent, we will send you to push notifications to your device or mobile application. However, you have the right to review and update your preferences by making simple adjustments from your device.

Protecting your information

In addition to your rights, we use a variety of technologies and methods to protect your information from hackers and internet thieves. However, because of the constantly changing internet space, we employ all our customers to protect and think twice before giving their information to anyone, logging in on strange devices, and using third-party websites.

Children’s Rights

Our platform is not intended for your children under the age of 13, and we will not knowingly collect or accept any information from people in that age bracket. Furthermore, should any information come to our attention about an account belonging to any underage person, it will be immediately taken down and deleted without prior notification sent to the client.


Our websites and apps contain affiliate links. We are not liable for any negative experience you encounter with such websites and employ you should be very careful with third-party links.

Dispute Resolution

Any dispute concerning our services, including how we handle your personal information or collect them, can be resolved in the Term of use, which details how this service should be used. We live by the law and hence follow the regulation set forth by the authority.

Using our website is a US-based and operated establishment, and all information is processed according to the privacy act law of the United States. Hence international users should know that their data will be processed according to the laws of the US and no other country.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to update, change, and cancel any part of this policy without prior notification to our customers to suit the current changes in the law governing the company and how we operate. We will try to publish or notify you of any new changes to enable you to stay abreast of the changes. We will not be liable for any consequences arising from a lackadaisical attitude from not reading or adhering to any part of this policy in the event of a dispute or problem with our establishment.

Contact us

If you have any problem, question, or disagreement concerning any part of this policy notice, contact us via a form on our website and will address it as soon as possible.